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We are having a Pizza and Gym Night for the Youth Group on Friday, May 10th from 5-8pm at WKUM.
This event is open to all kids and youth in Grades 4-12. This is a drop off event but adults are welcome to stay if they would like to and older teens are welcome to email me about volunteer hours if they would like to help out. Friends welcome!
Like last time (in February), there will be games in one room, crafts in another, and sports in the gym (ex: floor hockey, basketball, soccer). Music jamming is also welcome and supported.
At around 6:30pm we will have Free Pizza and listen to a short devotional (10 minute talk about God/Christianity/Church targeted to this age group). We may also sing a song or two.
There is no need to RSVP but you can email me or the office if you have any questions. 
Best, Rochelle Knox