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Church of the Holy Saviour has supported Monica Place (originally known as St. Monica House) since its inception in 1967, when it originated a centennial service project with the sponsorship of the Anglican Diocese of Huron.  Girls and women from 12 years of age to 25 years of age seek support there, including prenatal, parent-child, high school and counselling programs.  The Waterloo site on Herbert Street offers residential spaces for eighteen young women and their babies. They may arrive early in their pregnancy, just prior to delivery or may seek services postnatally.  All are in need. 

As Mother's Day approaches please consider donating a Walmart Gift Card to support the girls and young women at Monica Place as they strive to make healthy and informed choices for themselves and for their children.
Please place your gift card in the collection plate during the Offertory Hymn or give to a sidesperson at any time. 
Thank you on behalf of the girls, women, infants and children at Monica Place during this month of May.